New Functionality Added
This system update added the following new functionality:
- Improved Look and Feel of Content Initiator Workspace Screen - The following UI improvements were made to the Content Initiator Workspace to improve its usability:
- Added the ability to use customized labels and headers in place of generic referenced to "Transaction".
- Removed the "Creation Method" section from the screen and defaulted creation to be from a blank set of answers, to further simplify it.
- Enhanced the buttons in the Action column of the In Progress grid to be larger and more intuitive.
- Improved Functionality of Content Initiator Workspace Screen - The following functionality improvements were made to the Content Initiator Workspace to improve its usability:
- Enabled viewing of Transaction Details screen to see available documents by clicking the Transaction name in the In Process grid.
- Enabled option to automatically generate all relevant transaction documents upon click of Submit button.
- Enabled showing and hiding of Submit button as a workflow action.
- Improved Look and Feel of Simplified Version of Transaction Creation Screen - Removed the "Create a" section from the screen, which required a user to choose to create a new Transaction or a pattern, and defaulted creation to be a new Transaction, to further simplify it.
- New Metadata Value in Seed Import - Added to the initial metadata that is placed into each interview a "variable name / variable value" pair for any user selected variable in the interview to import it's value for most recent transaction into the current transaction. This can be used to generate auto-numbering variables based on sequential numbering for items like transaction or policy numbers.
- New Workflow Event and Actions - The following new workflow events and actions were added:
- Added workflow event to take action upon the completion of the document generation process.
- Added workflow action to email the most recent version of all transaction documents to a recipient (whose email address can be specified in an interview variable).
- Added workflow action to conditionally email the most recent version of all transaction documents to a recipient (whose email address can be specified in an interview variable) based on the value in another interview variable.
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