New Functionality Added
This system update added the following new functionality:
- Transaction Details Information Section now Collapsible - The information section (containing details such as Transaction type, Last Published Date, Due Date, etc.) on the Transaction Details screen is now collapsible. Users can click on the “expand/collapse” link in the upper right corner of this area to collapse it. Content Providers can also choose to have this area be initially collapsed for the users in their account by setting this attribute in a newly added account option.
- Transaction Auto-Naming - There are cases when, for certain types of transactions, Content Providers want to have the new transactions that their users create follow a strict, non-changeable naming convention to create uniformity when viewing all transactions. Providers can now indicate, for a given Transaction Type, that when users create new transactions, the Transaction Name box will be disabled, so they cannot name their Transaction manually. Instead the transaction name will be inserted after the user finishes the initial interview and will come from a naming formula that uses a combination of text and answers from the transaction’s interview. Providers can now indicate for any Transaction Type that the transactions should be auto-named and then fill in a formula on which the name will be based. For example, a formula could be “[Contract_type] Document for [Company_Name]”.
- User Notes Field - Administrators now have a “Notes” field when creating or editing users. This can be used to add descriptive information for users. Or since this field is also passed into the interview, it can be used to give the interview access to more detailed user information with which to further customize interviews.
- New Complete Segment Workflow Action - Added workflow action that completes the segment of processing for the User Group defined in the Action attributes using the User Group's primary user as the user that completed the action.
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