Content Access Basic Concepts
In order to capture transaction data and create documents using the Document Agility system, Users must have appropriate access to Interview and Templates. Content Providers are responsible for combining content and configuring User access in order to achieve the desired document creation workflow. In general Content Providers will follow a series of steps similar to the following in order to do this:
- Upload Templates to the system that represent the documents to be created for a single type of Transaction. One or more of the Templates may contain an Interview to be used for this type of Transaction.
- Group these Templates in a Transaction Type which represents one discreet type of Transaction that Users will create on the system.
- Create a Product into which to place the Transaction Type.
- Add any desired Additional Interviews to the Transaction Type.
- Connect each User Group within an organization to the Transaction Type through an Interview in order for that Group to create that type of Transaction using its specified Interview.
- Set the ability for each User Group to be able to view/generate the appropriate Template(s).
Controlling an Account's Access to Content
As a Content Provider User, you will have one or more Content Creator Accounts under your account. These accounts could be just your own organization, or they could be client organizations to whom you provide the ability to create documents using your content. In either case, the first step in granting access to any type of content for User Groups and their Users is to first grant content access to the organization in which the Users and Groups are contained.
Products are collections of Transaction Types which will allow Users to create one or more types of Transactions. Products therefore contain one or more Transaction Types (each of which relates to a specific type of Transaction that Users will create on the system).
Products are connected with Accounts using a specific Pricing Plan, which specifies a finite or unlimited number of Transactions that may be produced for a given dollar amount on a periodic basis. Although the Document Agility system will not actually track the dollar amounts used in Pricing Plans or process e-commerce transactions, it will track restrictions on Transactions created per period of time (if that is the desired basis on which a client will access your content).
Controlling Users' Access to Interviews
A User's access to Interviews for a given Transaction type is controlled through User Groups. The User is first added to a User Group. Then the User Group is connected to a Transaction Type for the type of transaction the User Group should be able to create. When the User Group is Connected to the Transaction Type, the Content Provider will specify an Interview through which all Users in the Group will capture data for this type of transaction. Thus it is possible to specify different Interviews for different User Groups for the same Transaction Type to reflect each Group's role in a Transaction of a particular type. When giving a specific User Group access to a Template Group, the Content Provider can also specify the button name for the interview access button (so that it makes sense to the user in the context of his or her workflow) as well as designate a static seed file to pre-populate interviews of this type when presented to this User Group.
Controlling Users' Ability to View and Generate Documents
A User's ability to view and/or generate documents for a given Transaction type is also controlled through User Groups. A User Group can be given access rights to one or more Templates within the Transaction Type, such that the Group can view Documents created by the selected Template(s), generate Documents using the Template(s), or not know of the existence of the Template(s) at all. Thus it is possible to specify different sets of Documents that can be viewed and created by different User Groups with respect to the same Transaction Type, to reflect the Group's role in a Transaction of a particular type.
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