Pricing Plans are used in the Document Agility system to define the basis on which you provide access to a Product for a given Creator Account. A Pricing Plan is essentially a combination of a price per period of time and a number of document generations allowed over a period of time. Number of document creations can either be a set amount (like 100 or 2,000) or unlimited. Time periods over which the number of document creations can be accomplished are optional, but if selected can be monthly, quarterly or yearly. Pricing is expressed as a dollar amount per a unit of time (monthly, quarterly or yearly).
TIP - Document Agility is not an e-commerce system. When you set up a Pricing Plan that includes price per a period of time, this is for recording purposes only and will not be monitored, billed, charged or otherwise enacted through the system. The restrictions you place on document generations per period, however, will be enforced through the system. If you do not wish to have restrictions on document creation, set up a Pricing Plan to include unlimited documents per some time period.
TIP - Even if you don't intend to place restrictions on document generation for your Accounts, you must still set up a Pricing Plan to be used when you connect your Accounts to Products.
Viewing Pricing Plans
The Pricing Plan list on the Content Administration Main screen shows detailed information about the Pricing Plans in your account, including:
- Description - The dollar amount and price per number of documents created.
- Creations - Number of documents that can be created.
- Creations Time Restriction - Time period over which the number of document creations can be done.
- Price - Price for which the document creations can be done.
- Paid Per - Time period for the price
- Created By - User who created the Pricing Plan.
- Created Date - Date on which the Pricing Plan was created
- Actions - Allows the following actions (depending on your permissions):
- Edit - Allows for editing of the various attributes of the Pricing Plan.
- Delete - Deletes the Pricing Plan.
- Edit - Allows for editing of the various attributes of the Pricing Plan.
Creating a Pricing Plan
To create a new Pricing, follow these steps:
- Access the Create Pricing Plan screen - From the Content Administration Main screen, click the Create Pricing Plan button in the top right corner of the Pricing Plans list. This will launch the Create Pricing Plan screen.
- Enter the number of Document Generations - In the Enter Number of Document Creations area, either click the check box next to the Unlimited choice or enter a number of generations in the text box next to the word OR. Keep in mind that the restriction you set on document generations here will be enforced by the system for any Account that is connected to a Product using this Pricing Plan.
- Enter the time period for Document Generations (Optional) - If you wish to indicate a time period over which the number of document generations can take place, click the check box next to Restrict by Time Period? in the Enter Number of Document Creations area, then select the time period over which document generations can occur.
- Enter Pricing - In the Enter Pricing area, enter a dollar amount (in whole numbers) into the text box, then select the time period associated with the dollar amount next to the word Paid Per.
- Create the Pricing plan - Click the Create button at the bottom of the screen to create your new Pricing Plan. You will then return to the Content Administration Main screen.
Editing Pricing Plan Details
If you wish to change the details of a Pricing Plan, follow these steps:
- Access your Pricing Plan - From the Content Administration Main screen, in the Pricing Plans list, click the Edit button in the row corresponding to the Pricing Plan you wish to edit.
- Edit the number of Document Generations - In the Enter Number of Document Creations area, either click the check box next to the Unlimited choice or enter a number of generations in the text box next to the word OR. Keep in mind that the restriction you set on document generations here will be enforced by the system for any Account that is connected to a Product using this Pricing Plan.
- Edit the time period for Document Generations - If you wish to indicate a time period over which the number of document generations can take place, click the check box next to Restrict by Time Period? in the Enter Number of Document Creations area, then select the time period over which document generations can occur.
- Edit Pricing - In the Enter Pricing area, enter a dollar amount (in whole numbers) into the text box, then select the time period associated with the dollar amount next to the word Paid Per.
- Save your Selections - Click the Create button at the bottom of the screen to save your selections. You will then return to the Content Administration Main screen.
Deleting a Pricing Plan
To delete a Pricing Plan, follow these steps:
- Select the Pricing Plan to delete - From the Content Administration Main screen, in the Pricing Plans list, click the Delete link in the row corresponding to the Pricing Plan you wish to delete.
- Confirm your action - Confirm the delete by clicking the Delete button in the confirmation popup box.
TIP - You cannot delete a Pricing Plan that is currently being used to control an Account’s access to a Product.
WARNING: Deleted Pricing Plans cannot be restored. Please be sure you wish to delete your Pricing Plan before doing so.
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