Messages are a way of communicating universal information that is not related to one specific transaction. You can send messages to all users or a particular user within the User Groups to which you belong. Messages are viewed and composed on your My Workspace screen. To access messages, log in to the Document Agility system using your login credentials and locate the Messages grid area on the My Workspace screen.
Viewing Messages
The Messages grid displays general system messages sent either by other users, by Document Agility, or by the system itself in response to certain workflow events taking place. Messages are displayed until they are Marked as Read. In order to view the messages that are most relevant to you at a given time, you can sort the grid by any column including:
- Title - The title of the message.
- From - The name of the User that sent the message.
- Date - The date the message was sent.
The Messages grid also contains an Actions column which allows you mark a message as being read, which will permanently remove the message from your messages grid. This action cannot be undone.
Composing Messages
To create a new message, click the Compose Message button above the Messages grid. Fill in the following information:
TIP - Messages may be sent only to user groups to which you belong or to specific users within such groups.
- Title - This will be displayed in the Messages grid for each user receiving the message. Try to create a title that is descriptive of the overall message you wish to communicate.
- Body - This will be displayed only once the recipient has clicked the message title to view the message details.
- Recipient(s) - Select either a specific user from Specific User selection box or all users in a User Group from the User Group selection box to which to send your message.

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