Depending upon your User Group's permissions, you can export one or more of the generated documents for a Transaction.
To export documents from a Transaction, click on the Export Documents button above the Available Document grid. You will then see the Export Documents screen.
The Export Documents screen displays various methods, depending upon the options available for your organization, by which you can export Transaction documents. The available choices include (depending upon your organization's available export options):
- Emailing Documents - You can send one or more documents in a Transaction to an email recipient along with a custom email message.
To email documents to a recipient perform the steps below:
- Select Documents - In the grid displaying the available documents for the transaction, select your desired combination of documents/output formats to export. Document names appear in the "Names" column, and the available output formats appear in the "Format" column.
- Select "Send to Email Recipient" as the Export Method - Click the radio button for "Send to Email Recipient", then complete the following information:
- Email Address - Enter the recipient's email address
- Subject Line - Enter a subject line for your transmittal email
- Email Body - Enter a message for your email. By default, the transmittal email will a message containing your organization's name, the name of the Transaction, and information on how to access their account. The email message you type here will be included as an additional message in the transmittal email.
- Export - Click the "Export" button to complete the emailing process. You documents will be send as individual attachments to your transmittal email.
- Select Documents - In the grid displaying the available documents for the transaction, select your desired combination of documents/output formats to export. Document names appear in the "Names" column, and the available output formats appear in the "Format" column.
- Placing Documents in an External User's Workspace - You can send one or more documents in a Transaction to an External User's workspace where that user can log in and review them. Documents for a Transaction can be shared with any External User within the Account with which the Transaction is associated.
To place documents in an External User's workspace, perform the steps below:
- Select Documents - In the grid displaying the available documents for the transaction, select your desired combination of documents/output formats to export. Document names appear in the "Names" column, and the available output formats appear in the "Format" column.
- Select "Place in External User Workspace" as the Export Method - Click the radio button for "Place in External User Workspace", then complete the following information:
- Select User - Select the External User into who's account you wish to place the selected documents. Available External Users are those who are part of the External Account connected with the Transaction.
- Optionally Select an Expiration Date - If your wish, you can set a date by which documents you place in a User's Workspace will automatically removed. To set an expiration date, check the "Expires?" checkbox and enter a date in the date selection box.
- Export - Click the "Export" button to complete the process of placing the documents in the selected User's workspace.
- To remove documents that have been previously placed in an External User's workspace, navigate to the Transaction Details screen and select the Remove icon in the row of the "Collaborate with External Users" grid corresponding to the document you wish to remove. In the popup box that displays, click "Remove" and the selected document will be removed from the User's workspace.
- Select Documents - In the grid displaying the available documents for the transaction, select your desired combination of documents/output formats to export. Document names appear in the "Names" column, and the available output formats appear in the "Format" column.
TIP - When placing documents in an External User's Workspace, the list of available External Users is limited to Users that are within the External Account that associated with the Transaction.
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