Creating a Transaction in the Document Agility system is the process of gathering information that defines and describes a business transaction.
Creating a new Transaction will launch a data-collection interview session, which may have been customized specifically for members of your User Group and may reflect your specific role in collecting data for new business transactions. The Create Transaction screen allows you to make several choices about the type of transaction you will be recording as well as other attributes, prior to launching the data-collection interview.
As you are answering interview questions, you may save your work and continue it later by exiting the interview at any time - your current work in progress will be saved for you the next time you access the interview. The system does not require that you answer all interview questions in one session, although in order to create final output documentation based on the interview data, all required questions must be answered to create valid documents.
Create a New Transaction
To create a new Transaction, follow these steps:
- Choose to create a Transaction or a Pattern Data Set - Depending upon your user permissions, you may be able to choose between creating a New Transaction and creating a Pattern, which is a set of saved answers to interview questions that can be used to speed your progress in capturing future business transaction information. Click the New Transaction choice to create a new transaction in the system. Or (if you have the required permissions) click the Pattern Data Set choice to create a set of saved answers to use for future transactions.
- Select the Transaction Type - From the selection box choose the type of transaction you wish to create. The available transaction types are provided by your organization's Content Provider.
- Enter a Name and Description - Enter a name for your transaction and, if desired, a description. When naming your Transaction, you cannot use the "/" or "\" characters as they are often reserved keywords within many document management systems.
- Choose the Creation Method - Select the method in which you will create your transaction from the following choices:
- Blank interview - The interview you access will not have any answers pre-populated.
- From a pattern data set - The interview you access will have answers pre-populated from the pattern you select. If you choose this option, you must also select a pattern from the selection box beneath this option.
- From another transaction - The interview you access will have answers pre-populated from the transaction you select. If you choose this option, you must also select a transaction from the selection box beneath this option.
- Select the Customer for which the Transaction is being created - From the selection box, choose the customer (or client, or matter, etc.) for which you are creating the transaction. The available choices are provided by your organization's System Administrator(s). This step is optional.
WARNING - When naming a Transaction, you may not use the "/" or "\" characters because they are often reserved keywords within many document management systems.
TIP - When creating a Pattern Data Set, you will not be asked to select a customer for which the pattern is being created.
After you have made your selections on the Create Transaction screen, click the Create button. This will launch your Data-Collection Interview using the parameters you selected.
WARNING - For security purposes, Internet browser sessions in the Document Agility system expire after 2 hours. If you are inside of an online interview for a longer period of time, you will lose the answer information you entered during the interview session.
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