When trying to locate a specific transaction or set of transactions, it is often It is often helpful to use advanced search criteria to locate what you are looking for. The Document Agility system offers a transaction search capability using one or more advanced search criteria in several categories. Searches are performed on the Transaction Search screen.
Accessing the Transaction Search Screen
To access the Transaction Explorer screen, log in to the Document Agility system and from the My Workspace page click the Transaction Search button. The Transaction Search screen may also be accessed from the Transaction Explorer screen.
Performing a Search
To perform a search using advanced search criteria, fill in or select one or more of the available search criteria on the screen and click the Search button. The following search criteria are available for your use:
Working with Search Results
When you perform a search, your search results will be listed in a grid that appears beneath the search criteria. The Search Results grid lists the following information about the matching transactions returned:
Moving a Transaction - You can move a transaction from within the Search Results list. To move one or more transactions to another folder, select the checkbox to the left of any transactions you would like to move. Then click the Move Selected button just above the left side of the Search Results list. In the Move Items popup that is then displayed, verify your list of items to be moved, then highlight the folder to which the items should be moved, and click the Move button. If you choose not to move the items, click the Cancel button.
Accessing the Transaction Search Screen
To access the Transaction Explorer screen, log in to the Document Agility system and from the My Workspace page click the Transaction Search button. The Transaction Search screen may also be accessed from the Transaction Explorer screen.
Performing a Search
To perform a search using advanced search criteria, fill in or select one or more of the available search criteria on the screen and click the Search button. The following search criteria are available for your use:
- Transaction Name - Enter all or any part of the name of the transaction. The search function will find transactions where any part of the transaction name matches the text entered, so there is no need to use a wildcard character in you search string (such as a * character).
- Transaction Type - Select a transaction type from the dropdown list of available types.
- Transaction ID - Enter all or any part of the Transaction ID that you know.
- System Status - Select either In Progress or Finalized transactions
- Workflow Status - If your organization's System Administrator has set up custom workflow statuses for your organization's transaction types, you can select from the dropdown of available statuses.
- Create For - If your organization associates its transactions with Created For accounts, you can select from the dropdown of available accounts.
- Created Between - Enter a beginning date and an ending date between which the transaction was created.
- Created By - Select a User who created the transaction from the dropdown of available Users.
- Modified Between - Enter a beginning date and an ending date between which the transaction was modified.
- Modified By - Select a User who modified the transaction from the dropdown of available Users.
- Due Date Between - Enter a beginning date and an ending date for the transaction's due date.
Working with Search Results
When you perform a search, your search results will be listed in a grid that appears beneath the search criteria. The Search Results grid lists the following information about the matching transactions returned:
- Item - The name of the transaction
- ID - Transaction ID
- System Status - In Progress or Finalized
- Workflow Status - The custom workflow status for the transaction
- Created By - The account for which the transaction was created
- Created Date - Date the transaction was created
- Modified By - The user who most recently modified the transaction
- Modified Date - Date the transaction was most recently modified
Moving a Transaction - You can move a transaction from within the Search Results list. To move one or more transactions to another folder, select the checkbox to the left of any transactions you would like to move. Then click the Move Selected button just above the left side of the Search Results list. In the Move Items popup that is then displayed, verify your list of items to be moved, then highlight the folder to which the items should be moved, and click the Move button. If you choose not to move the items, click the Cancel button.
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