One of the primary uses for data collected through a transaction's Interviews is generating required documentation for the transaction. Documents are generated and viewed from within the Available Documents grid on the Transaction Details screen.
To access the Available Documents grid for a transaction, access the Transaction Details screen for the given transaction. To do so, first log in to the Document Agility system using your login credentials. Then from the My Workspace screen, click on the name of the transaction with which you would like to work. You will then be taken to the Transaction Details screen for that specific transaction. The Available Documents grid appears in the middle section of this screen.
The Available Documents grid displays the documents that are available for the Transaction based upon the data collected through the transaction's interviews.
TIP - The Available Documents grid displays all documents that are available to be created for the given Transaction based on the data collected about the Transaction and based on your role in the transaction and you permissions to view and/or generate them.
TIP - Because documents in the list are available does not indicate that a particular document has already been generated. Documents which have been generated will have viewing links in their View column.
Available documents for a given Transaction are preset by your organization's Content Provider. Depending on your permissions, the grid allows you to:
- Generate documents in available output formats (Word, PDF or HTML)
- View documents that have already been generated
- Get information about the type of document and the date the document was created.
- View unanswered question (if any) by clicking on the yellow warning triangle icon that appears when you attempt to generate a document and required questions are unanswered.
- Rename the document to a name of your choice.
- View all versions of a document if more than one version of the Transaction has been created or if a manually edited version of the document was uploaded to the system.
The list of documents you see will depend upon your document viewing permissions. Additionally, the list of documents that are currently available for generating or viewing is also may also be determined by the current answers stored in the transaction's Data Set which were provided during the transaction's Interviews.
WARNING - If your document generation/viewing permissions permit your to only view a document and only in a specific format, then in order for you to see that document, a user with document generation permissions must first generate that document in the specific format in which you can view it.
Generating Documents
For each document in the Available Documents grid for which your User Group has document generation permissions, you will see check boxes (in the Generate column) which will allow you to generate the document in the available output formats. The output formats you see are determined by your User Group's permissions and may include Microsoft Word, PDF and/or HTML. If your User Group does not have document generation permissions for a particular document, you will see the words View Only in the Generate column.
To generate one or more documents, click the check box corresponding to the documents and output formats you wish to generate. Then click the Generate Selected button above the Available Documents grid. Once the button has been clicked, it will temporarily disappear, and you will see an indication in the appropriate View columns of the grid for any documents you are generating. Depending upon the number of documents you are creating and their length and complexity, this process may take several minutes. You can either wait for the process to conclude or you can navigate to other areas of the system and complete other work, in which case, when you documents are completed, you will see them when you next return to the Transaction Details screen for the transaction.
Once a document has been generated, it's name will change from the name of the document type to the name of the Transaction plus the name of the document type (for example: "ABC Corp - Leasing Agreement.docx"). A document may be renamed - see the Renaming Documents section below for details. When a document is generated in DOCX format, the system embeds a globally unique ID (GUID) into the document to identify it as a specific document created in Document Agility. A DOCX document created on the system can then be manually edited and uploaded to the same Transaction as an Ancillary File, where it will be recognized by the system and will appear as the latest version of its matching system document.
TIP - Once a document has been generated in a particular format, any subsequent change to the interview questions will cause the document to be automatically regenerated.
Document Generation and Unanswered Questions
In order for any one given document to be generated for a transaction, the Data Set for the transaction (which holds the information collected using Interviews) must contain all of the information required by the document's template to produce a valid document.
Ordinarily, if you try to generate a document, as described above, and the Data Set for the transaction is missing answers that the template needs, after pressing the Generated Selected button, a yellow warning icon with the number of unanswered questions will appear in the Unanswered Status column for the given document. Clicking this icon will display a popup that contains a list of each specific unanswered question.
However, if your User Group has document generation permissions and also has the further permission to be able to Ignore Unanswered Questions, you will be able to generate a document even when all required information has not yet been supplied. This may be useful for viewing preliminary version of a document prior to having all information required to complete it. Even if you use this feature to ignore the unanswered questions and generate a document anyway, the yellow warning triangle will still display to indicate the number of unanswered questions.
To generate a document and ignore unanswered questions, follow the instructions above for generating a document, and in addition, click the Ignore Unanswered check box for the given document. When your document generates, the process will ignore unanswered questions and produce a document regardless of whether or not the Data Set may be missing information that the document template requires.
Once a document has been generated with unanswered questions, there is no need (and no ability) to generate it again in the same format after required information has been added to the Data Set through the Interviews. Instead the document will be automatically regenerated any time the answers to the interview questions are added to or changed. Whenever there are unanswered questions remaining in the interview for any available document that is in a status of Missing Required Information, the appropriate questions will be marked within the Interview using red text for the question prompt.
PLEASE NOTE: The system displays unanswered questions in two fundamentally different. When working within an Interview, after you come to the last question, the system will display a popup box that may give you the number of questions you left unanswered - i.e. questions that were not given an answer in the Interview without regard to whether they are required to produce a given document.
This may be different than the number of unanswered questions displayed when you attempt to generate a given document and see a yellow unanswered triangle icon appear indicating unanswered questions that are actually required to produce the given document.
WARNING: If you generate a document in one format with unanswered questions by selecting Ignore Unanswered, and then generate the document again in another format but you don't select Ignore Unanswered, then, if your Interview still contains unanswered questions, your original document in the first format will be deleted. You may, however, generate it again, as the check box for the initial format will be displayed again.
WARNING: A document that has been created using the Ignore Unanswered option may be incomplete or missing required language. I should be used for testing or evaluation purposes only.
TIP - Once a document has been generated in a particular format, any subsequent change to the interview questions will cause the document to be automatically regenerated.
Viewing Generated Documents
The View column of the Available Documents grid presents viewing icons for each of the permitted output formats. The documents you see and the formats in which you can view them will depend upon your User Group's permissions. The available output formats are:
Microsoft Word
Adobe PDF
To view a document, click the link corresponding to the desired document output format. How the document displays will vary based on whether you browser has plug-ins for Microsoft Word and/or Adobe Acrobat Viewer. Depending upon you particular browser's setting, the documents may either display immediately in a separate browser window, or they may display in Microsoft Word or Adobe Acrobat Reader directly (and potentially require answering a dialogue box to Save or View the document).
If your User Group's permissions do not allow you to generate a particular document, and you do not currently see any viewing links for the document in the View column or your Available Documents grid, then you will need to wait until documents are generated by another User Group with generating privileges for the documents. TIP - The documents you can view and the output formats in which you can view them are set for your User Group by your organization's Content Provider.
Renaming Documents
Once a document has been generated, it's name will change from the name of the document type to the name of the Transaction plus the name of the document type (for example: "ABC Corp - Leasing Agreement.docx"). To rename a document, click the rename icon in Actions column of the row for the document you wish to rename. The Rename Document popup will appear. Edit the name of the document in the text box and click the Save button to save your changes.
Viewing and Comparing Document Versions
The Document Agility System tracks versions for all documents produced for a Transaction. Documents versions are always identical to the version of the Transaction of which they are a part. New Transaction versions are created when a user chooses to Finalize a Transaction (see the Finalizing topic above on this page) and afterwards an Interview is accessed by any User by clicking the Redraft button. And this action will create new versions of all of the current documents for the Transaction as well.
TIP - Although Document versions are identical to Transaction versions, if questions in the interview cause a document to be created some versions of the Transaction and not others, there may not be a Document version for each Transaction version.
TIP - For documents generated in DOCX format where an Ancillary File with a GUID that matches the document has been uploaded, the matching Ancillary File will appear as the latest version of the document.
To view the prior versions of any individual document in a Transaction, click on the View Document Versions icon . You will then see the Document Versions screen.
The Document Versions screen displays the current and all prior versions of the selected document. The information in the Documents grid includes the following items:
- Version - The version number of the Document (in descending order).
- Created - The date and time the Document version was created.
- Template (Version) - The Template (and version number of the Template) that created the Document.
- Create Method - The method by which the Document version was created.
- System Automation - Indicates that the Document version was created by the standard operation of Document Agility system as interview answers are run against rules templates to create a Transaction-specific document.
- Manual Edit (Not Yet Available) - Indicates that the Document version was created when a Document created in Document Agility was exported and was then manually edited (Word DOCX format Documents only) and uploaded to the Document Agility system.
- View - The View column presents links for each of the available output formats for which you have permissions to view. To view a Document version in a particular format, click the link corresponding to the desired document and output format.
Version iconwill appear next to the viewing links for the document version. Clicking this link will display a redline comparison document (in DOCX) showing the differences between the text of the two document versions being compared.
TIP - The Available Documents Grid always displays the Documents for the current version of the Transaction. To view prior versions of documents, use the View Document Versions functionality described above.
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